Our management band EZ LIVIN will support their current release "Firestorm" (LZ Records/ Sony) with some live shows later during the year. The confirmed dates so far can be found below. Please share and spread around!
We're currently looking for a support act for these shows (except for the festivals in Pförring, Ostrava and Barcelona). Bands interested in the opening slot(s), please e-mail us an application to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
We will come back to you with more information and conditions then asap. Please 80's Hard Rock/ traditional Hard Rock bands only!

EZ LIVIN‘ Firestorm Tour 2014
(presented by Dimavery & Rock It!):
18.07.2014 D-Nürnberg, Pegnitz Bühne
19.07.2014 D-Pförring, Open Air am Baggersee
20.07.2014 D-Illmensee-Hackl Schorsch
21.07.2014 t.b.a.
22.07.2014 t.b.a.
16.08.2014 CZ-Ostrava,Rockova-Festival
20.09.2014 ES-Barcelona-Doctor Metal Fest VI
24.09.2014 D-Mannheim, Alte Seilerei
25.09.2014 D-Bielefeld, Forum
26.09.2014 D-Hamburg, Rock Cafe
27.09.2014 t.b.a.
28.09.2014 Fulda, Alte Piesel
29.09.2014 D-Lübeck, Werkhof
30.09.2014 D-Magdeburg, Festung Mark
01.10.2014 D-Augsburg, Spectrum
to be continued in November 2014!

