product: Ammunition - Shanghaied

label: AOR Heaven

release date: 23.01.2015

format: CD

PR territory: Europe (without UK & Scandinavia)

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Age Sten Nilsen is picking up where his former band Wigwam left off. Penning new rock anthems with Erik Mårtensson (Eclipse/W.E.T) in Stockholm since October 2013. When Wigwam surprisingly decided to call it a day after 13 years, Age Sten soon formed his own band, recording the new songs in the vein of the new band effort Age Sten Nilsenʼs AMMUNITION.

The new material wears the same catchiness as Wigwam, yet offers a rougher and more subtle sound and arrangements than his former bandʼs latter productions. Produced by one of melodic rocks most esteemed producers Erik Mårtensson, Age Sten Nilsenʼs AMMUNITON is now on the verge of promoting their first album “SHANGHAIED” due for a release in January.

With a dream team of rock musicians in the line-up Age Sten Nilsenʼs AMMUNITION has already had great success in Norway, playing shows to more than 5000 rockers.

This release is available on AOR Heaven outside of Scandinavia.

