product: The Storyteller - Sacred Fire

label: Black Lodge

release date: 27.02.2015

format: CD

PR territory: Europe

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When you hear the name The STORYTELLER - you become curious and full of expectations. It´s a name that
obligates and demands a lot of the ones who bears it. And this majestic Swedish Metalband, formed in the city of
Gävle in the end of the 1990´s, haven´t either failed to fulfil all expectations or deliver the goods.
The STORYTELLER´s musical style can, a bit simplified, be described as "Traditional Power Metal, with
influences from medieval folk music".
The fairytale that The STORYTELLER started to tell fifteen years ago, seems to be a never ending story - so hold
on! Because this is the time for the fantastic continuation!
"One Last Stand" is the first single and video from their upcoming new album "Sacred Fire" which will be released
on Wild Kingdom/ Sound Pollution on February 27th, 2015.
